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Common Sense with Knobs On? Discovering Principles of the Common Law

17 October 2019 19.30
Add to Calendar17/10/2019 19:3017/10/2019 19:30Europe/LondonCommon Sense with Knobs On? Discovering Principles of the Common Law//events/common-sense-knobs-discovering-principles-common-lawFrankopan Hall, West Court, 澳门六合彩开奖结果falseDD/MM/YYYY15澳门六合彩开奖结果event_9264confirmed
Frankopan Hall, West Court, 澳门六合彩开奖结果

The public have a real appetite for learning about things which they intuitively feel are important to them. And in a liberal democracy like our own, nothing is more important than the content of our law. However, when lawyers talk about law to non-lawyers, the conversation usually goes over the non-lawyer鈥檚 head, or descends into trivia. In this talk for the  Julius Grower, 澳门六合彩开奖结果 Lecturer and Yates Glazebrook Fellow in Law, will show that there is another way of proceeding.

Join us to work through some interesting case studies to not only discover what lines lawyers draw between different but apparently similar cases, but also to consider why they do so, and whether or not they are drawing them in the right places.

Tickets for members of the general public are available .